Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Thanks David!

I was glad that David took the time to examine our area and point out the streets we have not traveled on. I'm glad I'm not the only one who was worried about this, with drop offs only 1 week away!!! When it was my turn to teach him I had this complex plan ready to go. Aparently I was too excited about the weird part of College, on the south side between MLK and Brounough. I advocated for it too much and ended up with a blindfold on. I should have known this would happen. Not only was this a part of the street I have never walked on under blindfold, I don't think I've ever really looked at it before. It was like going into an area with very little visual memory. When Mickey pointed out the long line of truncated bumps along one edge of the walkway I was very surprised. I wondered how I had never noticed this before. It was so easy to follow I wished every sidewalk had a nice defined line of plastic truncated bumps, but of course I know that is silly. I am guessing the truncated bumps are there to warn a blind person that the street is coming up, and not meant to be walked down the entire length, because when I did this I got way to close to a pole and smacked my hand very hard.
It was also strange walking with someone else who was under blindfold. I was hesitant to cross MLK at first, but when I heard David go I decided that it must be safe (or we are less likely to be hit by a car if there are 2 of us in the road). Once on the walkway my pace was a little different than David's so I kept hearing off beat taps which was a bit confusing. I wondered about some of the kids at FSDB who I had seen walking together, both with canes. They are so use to cane travel that another cane tapping probably didn't effect them at all. It's like every new sound or experience I come across my mind has to adsorb it and try to push through it and keep my focus on orientation. The best part about walking with David was that he found the intersection and lined up with it before me, and then said "hey Jasmine it's over here!". Thanks David!

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