Sunday, August 22, 2010

Internship starts tomorrow!

So tomorrow at 9am I will report to the lighthouse for duty! I am excited, I feel like I'm really ready. I am interested to see how this internship placement will differ from my TVI internship at FSDB. Before I was at a residential school, I had a classroom with my own desk and all of my students came to me at the same time everyday. I enjoyed that, but I do realize that many jobs are not like that. I'm happy I will now get the chance to see how an itinerant situation works, driving around with different clients and a different schedule everyday. Hopefully I will learn to be more organized...
We kind of started earlier this week with a freshman from FSU. We only had a few hours to cover routes from his dorm to two different building. One of his buildings was Bellamy, which was fun because I learned that building pretty thoroughly from watching Katie go through it under blindfold. It did notice a difference in the way we worked with the FSU student and the way we worked with each other in our O&M 1 course. With the FSU student our time was limited, and he needed to get the information quickly so he would be able to get to class on the first day of school. It was like we had this deadline pushing us to give quick to the point information. Luckily our student was a very good traveler and got the route quickly.
I'm glad to have noticed this difference, and I will keep it in mind when working with clients.

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