Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Back in Diffenbaugh

Today was the first time I really felt like I taught, and it was hard. I was unsure how much information to give David, I didn't want to overwhelm him, I also didn't want to give information away too easily without giving him the change to explore and figure it our on his own. I had problems like this in the beginning of my TVI classes and in my internship at F.S.D.B. It is very difficult to step back and just let the student explore. I feel like there is a fine line between too much help and not enough. Sometimes I feel stressed when trying to find the perfect balance, because it is different for every student. During my internship I was able to practice giving just the right amount of assistance to my students because I saw them almost everyday, and I was in "teacher mode". I feel like I need to get back to that, and because O&M is so new to me, I will need to adjust my teaching style and learn what works.
Honestly, today I bit my tongue so many times. At one point David was at the end of the hallway, running into a trash can, and he asked me if he was at the end. At first I wasn't sure if I should tell him or ask him where he thought he was. I decided to just tell him, because if he was asking me then it showed he had an idea of where he was...right?
Also, when trying to teach today I felt like I was describing things in really awkward ways. I felt like when I tried to tell David where we were, or where we were going, it would get all mixed up and so at the end I would say "does that makes sense?" or "is that right?" I just need to get my teacher mindset back.
I realized today how much you really have to physically "be there" as an O&M instructor. When we were leaving Williams, David was approaching some stairs. I thought that since he had just come up those stairs a minute or 2 before he must know they are there. Well, I am not sure exactly what happened, but from where I was standing it looked like he was about to take a casual walking step and roll down the stairs. Not thinking to grab him or stand in front of him I just yelled "stairs stairs stairs!". I was distracted by trying to think of what else I could have him do once we got back to Diffenbaugh. That was a little scary, I will be more careful next time.
Feeling a little flustered from a surprise elevator visit may have also effected my nerves when trying to work with David. It made me realize this is something I need to get over to be an effective, focused teacher.

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