Thursday, April 1, 2010

R.I.P. cane #1

Today I went through the full rage of emotions. Happy, sad, scared, irritated, relieved...
As soon as Katie said the word elevator I went on high alert. I think I was distracted when going to new areas because I kept wondering "is she going to make me get on it now? or around this corner? or after this set of stairs?" Micky is right, I needed to be present.

I know they were all separate events, but geez it felt like everything that could happen today did. I got hand sanitizer sprayed down my dress, someone apparently jumped over my cane and ran away laughing, and sadly my cane broke. Not to mention the very strong unsolicited advice about how to properly use "those stick thingies".

It's days like today where I can really understand why we are having these experiences under the blindfold. Feeling lost, uncomfortable, thinking you're in everyone's way and that you look like a total moron, plus having unnecessary and kind of embarrassing help from people that do not understand; these are all things my future students will go through. And while I know the 30 minutes I spend under the blindfold are nothing compared to what they have to deal with every second of the day, I think it will help to know where they are coming from. One day I can tell them all of my disastrous stories and hope it will build a little rapport, or at least make them laugh.

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