Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Building confidence

I had a lot of experience problem solving in yesterday and today's class. Learning things like which way to turn when I am confused, how to reorient myself and how to put the pieces back together. One thing I have noticed about being outside is the abundance of information, especially from my cane. I am learning to trust it more, and beginning to understand how to differentiate several types of surfaces as I walk. This helps me when shore lining, finding the curb and stepping up to the edge of an intersection.
I really like my time under the blind fold. It can be very stressful and confusing, but when I am able to get though something, even with help, it makes me feel more confident and makes me want to keep going. I enjoy walking quickly down the sidewalks because I think when I slow down and start doubting myself I tend to veer more. I have begun to notice when my mind is focused on my cane tip instead of the end of the sidewalk, and how it causes errors. Sometimes I let a little stumble off the sidewalk ruin all the confidence I had built up. I need to stop letting minor errors get to me. I have also noticed that I veer more when I am unsure when crossing a street. If I cross and am confident then I know I have enough time and don't feel rushed. If I doubt myself then I rush and get off my straight line to the other sidewalk. The more streets we cross the better I feel about it, and I know after watching everyone else cross the street, Mickey is always a few feet away directing and traffic that comes near us.

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