Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Where am I?

I got really lost and could not get myself out of it for the first time today. I don't really understand why I did what I did. I think everything started to go wrong when I turned east up Park Ave and didn't even realize that I had turned. I have a cold and played soccer last night which made it worse, so I am assuming that is why I could not localize anything today. It's the strangest feeling; hearing the sound but not being able to tell where it's coming from and where it's going. I must have subconsciously noticed this difference because I was very needy and wanted to shoreline every where. I knew that I couldn't trust my hearing so other information took over. It was really hard to travel this way, since auditory cues are my self-assuring way to double check my orientation. I have heard kids at FSDB say this and now I feel like I had a glimpse of it. Today I felt even more blind. My vision was the same, but my other senses were not the same. This must be incredibally difficult for a person with a visual impairment. Not only are you not feeling well, but now it's even harder to get around safely and independently. While it was frustrating, I am very glad I had this experience. If something like that happens to one of my future students I will understand. And if I get turned around on my drop off I now know I have had some real problem solving experience. I was mad at myself thast Mickey had to help me, I really did want to do it on my own. However, I am glad Mickey stopped me when he did because I was getting to the point of not wanting to try anymore. I can't think of a way he could have done that any better. I have noticed with kids in my internship, and people in general, when the frustration level is too high their ability to be open to new ideas just shuts down. I was about 30 seconds away from shutting down.

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